We're Not
Getting Smarter

It’s time to be facing ourselves in the mirror
We’re tired and transparent and filled up with fear
The things that they say are all we’ve been told
We’re not getting smarter, we’re just getting old

Nobody questions the world as it is
We’re too busy getting informed by show-biz
The louder the voice draws attention from all
Like cattle we follow right into the kraal

We’ve made ourselves comfortable listening to fools
And self-proclaimed “experts” who make up the rules
We no longer question authority and such
We’re not getting smarter, we’re just losing touch

We undermine teachers for doing their best
When forced to dumb-down and to teach to the test
We pay them too little and cut back support
There’s no money for schools but there’s plenty for wars

You get what you pay for, you reap what you sow
Default education and ignorance grows
It’s seen in the lack of respect and the fear
We’re not getting smarter, it can’t be more clear

Why study history if all that we do
Is repeat the same mistakes time and time through
We fill ‘em with stories, events and their dates
Why can’t we learn how to learn from mistakes?

The answer is simple yet so hard to do
Resolve to be selfless and act like it, too
We’d be less afraid and if all could comply
It might make us smarter, it’s worth it to try

It’s time to be facing ourselves in the mirror
We’re tired and transparent and filled up with fear
The things that they say are all we’ve been told
We’re not getting smarter, we’re just getting old